How Is Communicating Or How Important Is Communication In A Relationship?

So many guys/ladies have this problem of not communicating with their partners maybe they don’t want to hurt his/her feelings, they don’t want to be looked at like sisses or they are shy, so they share it instead to their friends and that’s where problems start to creep into a relationship. If you don't talk to your partners how do you get solutions ?

Important factors in relationships (No matter what the relationship maybe not just romantically) include not just LOVE alone but also GOD, TRUST, COMMUNICATION, FLEXIBILITY and HONESTY. Then we can say Money and the rest alike you will have in mind.

But these GOD, TRUST, LOVE, COMMUNICATION, FLEXIBILTY & HONESTY are the core parts of a relationship take it or leave it. When all these said above are present in a relationship then I see no way for that relationship to falter except if your village people are working on your case. But honestly a good relationship should be able to stand firm with those factors stated above.

Let me speak a bit on each:

Firstly, GOD;

I don’t really need to let you guys know what the benefits of having Christ, GOD, ALLAH in your life are. You guys already know but for those who don’t well let’s say it’s a whole vibe of happiness and blessings on another level no cap.

Next is TRUST;

You can’t say you love or you in a relationship with someone if you don’t trust that individual. For you to be in a relationship you need trust except if the relationship is just a shady one and not a good one at that.


Communication is very important in a relationship. Let’s say your partner emits a behavior you don’t like but you keep it in, or you are distressed and need someone to talk to and express yourself to but since you don’t talk to your partner you bottle all in and it leads to high BP due to over thinking. Some cant even communicate to their partner and let them know they are horny or want a different style when having sex cause of poor communication it’s sad. Your partner is your supporter, lover, shield all this and more then why not confine in them and let them share in your thoughts, in your vision, your wants, likes, dislikes and moral values.


When I say flexibility I mean that we should be able to fluctuate/endure with our partners in good times and bad times. Not just that when things get rough we take a run for the hills and leave our partner standing alone to face whatever problem that arise. As the love was strong when there was joy, money and the rest so it should be when these are absent.

Next is HONESTY;

Honesty as we all know also play a major role in a relationship. When you in a committed and non-committed relationship we should try our possible best to be honest with our partners and not be dishonest. Don’t do what you know you won’t take lightly to someone else, because you know that it hurts so don’t do dishonesty.

Lastly, is LOVE;

Love is a beginning factor to me and an important one at that. When we say been in a romantic relationship we don’t mean business but love. If you are in a relationship and you don’t love your spouse or partner, then you are being dishonest and when he/she later finds out late you will have succeeded in breaking them and causing them serious hurt.


So we now see even if its a little bit how important communication is needed in a relationship even if its not a romantic one, any relationship needs communicating.

Let’s try these factors I have stated and see if your relationship doesn’t brim better.

by Unfazed Black☺
