How does Music Help Your soul ?


How does Music help your Soul?

They say Music helps the soul, but what most don’t understand is that it helps the soul in different ways and this depends variably on a person’s mood, situation or Environment

You might be sad, happy, bored, Energetic, in Mourn, Heartbroken, you know all other moods and situation there is. That’s where music interaction with a person makes difference.

When we are sad, heartbroken, in mourning or even bored we feel more drawn to sad songs, because they then to make us venture into memory lane before we were sad or heartbroken. And then some people decide to change their moods by listening to music that will elevate them mood wise and not make them dull and gloom.

Been happy, energetic, high and excited makes a lot of people more towards songs that contain their mood and no one wants that mood to fade off lol, I mean who does. But sadly it still will.

So what mood are you in now? listen to some music and I can bet you are going to get better.
