How did i get so Obsessed with you

 It all started as a random thought, never thought I’d act on it, if you asked me three weeks ago, if I would convert my late grandparents vacation home into a human cage? Then I’ll probably call you crazy

I have always liked her, it started with a little crush, but she wasn’t interested in me, I was more like the invisible guy around. I kept telling my heart it would go away, but it developed into love, I guess. So where did it go wrong I kept asking myself each time I left the cage with her tied up in it

Everyday, everywhere I’ll stalk her mostly on social media, I told myself , that it was okay, I was just trying to feed my deprived heart, each time she made a new post I was on it, checking it out, I was obsessed, I think what broke the camel’s back was when her relationship status changed into “in a relationship” and a loved-up picture of her and her new guy followed, that totally did it.

I was in my room still staring at the picture when the thought came, why not just have her for yourself only, either willing or by force,

It took me three days to convert the small house into a cage adding hard metal doors and unbreakable security lock, the rest was easy.

Can we go hunting, was the crooked voice that broke me out of my thoughts, I looked out the small window in the room, its still snowing, we’ll go when it stops

You should drink some water, your voice is all cracked up from shouting

Am fine, I just want to go hunting

Ah, yes true you went hunting with your father every winter, you must really like it

The look she gave me told me all I needed to know, how could I know a well kept family secret,  what do you want to hunt anyway

Anything in my sight

I grabbed my shotgun, unlocked her cage and led her outside, dressed up for the cold, we were walking side by side, why I gave her the gun when she asked is a question I’ll never be able to answer

The last thing I felt was a sharp pain in my chest.

Story By Ade
